Book Your Photoshoot

How to book your photography session with Fairy Nuff Photography, Nottingham

Hi there!


So you are pregnant, just had a baby, got little ones with big birthdays or feel it is time to get your most precious people on your walls. 

Congratulations!  All of those reasons and a million more are why you know you need a professional photographer to help you.

BUT… you don’t know where to start with the whole process, it’s too overwhelming so you keep putting it off.


Woman sitting in front of a laptop with her hands on her face.

“I don’t have time” “I need to lose weight” “My kids will cause chaos” “I don’t know exactly what I want”

And a million more reasons why you are struggling to make that first step.


I know.  I get it.  I am you too!  A busy parent, with a hectic, complicated life and you know what… even though I am a photographer I still go to other photographers for my family photoshoots.  Why?  Because I know I will get better results and be far less stressed if I have another trusted professional photographer to do it for me.

And there is the crux.  You have to trust your photographer. 

How are you going to do that if you don’t know them?  Recommendations are great (a huge chunk of my clients come through recommendations).  It certainly helps the trust process, but sometimes you just need to get a feel for a person to know if they are right for you.

So here we are… you might have seen my work on numerous social platforms such as:



Or you may have been recommended by someone you know.

Or you might have seen some of my work on someone’s walls and loved it.

You may have seen my website when you searched on Google and liked what you saw.

Or you may have read some of my wonderful reviews from previous clients on Google (I have 30 5 star reviews, plus many more on Facebook).

A million and one ways you could have come across me and I am so pleased you did.


So what do you do next?  Well, if you are on my website you can go to:

If you are on Facebook you can send me a message – there might be a send message button on the photograph or you can send a message via the page and the same applies to Instagram.


If you are on Google you can click on either the:



Or you can email me direct at

Great so you have done one of those, now what?  Well, as soon as I see your message I will get in touch with you, usually via the email address you provide or by a return message if you contacted me via social media.  Or even better if you have phoned I will usually be available to have a chat with you.

I will arrange with you a convenient time for us to have a pre session consultation.  This is your chance to meet me, let me know your ideas, plans, important information I might need to know and for you to get to know me.  It is also a chance for me to get to know you, lets me give you any tips and tricks for making the session run well and also allows me to show you examples of my work, which is really important.  I want you to see full client galleries, not just one or two images.  I want you to see the standard of my work and what other clients have had, as sometimes they can spark ideas for what you want. 

I want you to feel confident and relaxed when you arrive at my Nottingham photography studio, knowing how the session runs, what to expect and that you will be greeted with a friendly face, not a stranger.

I usually hold my pre session consultations via Zoom, as I can share my screen to show you my work and galleries, as well as you being able to show me any key items you want to incorporate in your session.  Most importantly I can also see and “meet’ your little ones, so I am not a stranger to them. 

The other great thing about this method of meeting is that you can show me some of your home, the colours, the style, the decor.  This means that after your photography session, when you are invited back to me for your gallery viewing and ordering appointment I already know which of my beautiful, handmade artisan products will suit your photographs and home perfectly.


Because after all, the best thing about photographs is seeing them every day, knowing they are one of the few things in life that will always go up in value for you and your loved ones.

You see, here at Fairy Nuff Photography, Nottingham it is never “just a click”.




2 Responses

  1. Really enjoyed reading your blog, I was wondering if you are doing any mini shoots for maybe mother’s day or Easter in the near future.

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