So what does happen at a birthday cake smash photoshoot with Fairy Nuff Photography, Nottingham?
It seems to be party season for little ones at the moment! I have been inundated with cake smash and birthday photoshoots for gorgeous one and two year olds in the first half of this year!
It is a good job I absolutely love doing them and what is not to love! Firstly they are amazing fun, high energy and every one gets cake after (a winning combination in my mind)!
Secondly, I don’t think a child changes more than in those first few years. I see them as bumps, then beautiful delicate newborns and then they return a year later as sitting, walking, independent little bundles of personality! It is amazing!
“I don't want a cake” “I don’t know exactly what I want”
Oddly enough, when I chat with parents, this is the session that they most worry about. Their little ones are now mobile, rarely sit still, know their own minds about what they want and don’t want and are quite often teething… which let’s face it, may bring sore gums, temperatures and crankiness! Clients also seem to worry about what their babies should wear, what happens if their child cries or doesn’t like the cake (if it is a cake smash session). One recent client even said she was so worried about the session she considered not coming! She decided to push down her fears and did come, we had a great session, got some amazing photographs and they left with smiles, hugs and delicious cake! This is what she sent me post session:
So let me walk you through how my cake smash/Birthday photography sessions run;
They are divided into multiple sections, this is to give a lovely variety in your images and also allows time for cuddles, feeds and downtime for your little one, helping to prevent them from being overwhelmed.
The first section is always a ‘mini portrait’ session. Some clients like to bring some smart party clothes from home, some prefer to use some of the beautiful, hand made outfits I provide. We normally agree a colour scheme beforehand and I design a set that has all the colours you love and that works with the decor in your home, so when you have these images displayed on your walls everything ties in perfectly together
Then comes cuddle time… a little downtime and usually something to drink as celebrating your Birthday is thirsty work!
We then have a more relaxed set up, where little ones can bring their favourite teddies and toys. Familiar objects that help them feel calm and secure and I photograph them in a natural and playful way. This is also when we capture one of my favourite shots and it doesn’t matter whether parents prefer their baby au natural and naked or in a little outfit, the teddy set up is always a heart warming favourite. This stage of the photography session also serves another purpose; it allows your baby to relax in the studio environment, to get used to lights flashing and all these new textures before it is cuddle time again and I change the set for the main event!
The Cake Smash! When I have our pre session consultation with you, I always go through some tips to help babies relax and enjoy their session. Guiding you on how we encourage all those beautiful cake crumb smiles and to help your baby really get into the smashing part!
Some babies go all in, face down into the cake, whilst others like to smash using a wooden spoon and others are more delicate and prefer to gently taste their cake. Whichever way your baby decides upon I will be capturing every moment.
Now not all babies destroy the cakes… in fact most don’t, which is great for parents as they get to take home some gorgeous cake to enjoy! So don’t be surprised if at first your little one is a little hesitant and unsure of what to do. After all, we are trying to encourage them to be messy, which is not something as parents we tend to do on a regular basis. It doesn’t usually take little ones long to figure out that cake is super squidgy and fun to touch, tastes yummy and many babies love to use their hands and feet to paint the icing!
Of course, aside from the beautiful photographs, the other huge advantage of having your cake smash session with me rather than at home is… you don’t have to do the cleaning up!
And talking of cleaning up that leads me nicely to the final sections of your baby’s birthday and cake smash photography session, and it is a firm favourite… the bubbly bath splash and play! Not only does this section produce gorgeous close ups of your baby, they literally have so much fun with the bubbles and the 2 rubber duckies that smiles and giggles are almost guaranteed!
It is also a great way to ease your little one into the final section where they are wrapped up in their cute towels and given cuddles before they get dressed and (hopefully) drift off to sleep on the way home.
This is without doubt the most fun, high energy session I do. We can get creative with the themes and colours, we can accessorise with cute outfits and balloons and we can absolute customise things to suit your little one. You don’t want a cake, that is fine, we can come up with another idea. You don’t want a bath, no problem! Each baby is unique and so is each cake smash session or birthday session.